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Cooking Instructions

 30 – 40 minutes
  1. 1

    Cut the spring onions, grate the garlic keep aside. Prepare the bowl big enough to whisk the ingredients. Whisk the eggs, add the ground beef, black pepper, and continue to whisk it./Potong daun bawang, parut bawang putih sisihkan. Siapkan mangkuk yang cukup besar untuk mengaduk bahan. Kocok telur, tambahkan daging giling, lada hitam, dan lanjutkan mengocoknya.

    A picture of step 1 of ”Cheated” 😜 Eggs Martabak.A picture of step 1 of ”Cheated” 😜 Eggs Martabak.
  2. 2

    Add the spring onions and garlic (or the garlic powder) and whisk it until the ingredients mix well./Tambahkan daun bawang dan bawang putih (atau bubuk bawang putih) dan kocok hingga bahan-bahannya tercampur rata.

    A picture of step 2 of ”Cheated” 😜 Eggs Martabak.
  3. 3

    Grease the non-stick frying pan with oil and heat it with a small fire. Open and put the ready spring roll in the pan, add the eggs batter at the middle, and then close the batter by pulling the spring roll into the center until the batter is covered./Olesi wajan anti lengket dengan minyak dan panaskan dengan api kecil. Buka dan masukkan lumpia yang sudah jadi ke dalam loyang, tambahkan adonan telur di tengah, lalu tutup adonan dengan cara menarik lumpia ke tengah hingga adonan tertutup.

    A picture of step 3 of ”Cheated” 😜 Eggs Martabak.A picture of step 3 of ”Cheated” 😜 Eggs Martabak.A picture of step 3 of ”Cheated” 😜 Eggs Martabak.

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